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Lars Schieffer Software Developer
December 1996
Saarland, Germany

Building Scalable Applications: A Journey through Layered Serverless Architecture

Explore Serverless Architecture with the Architect Framework - Learn How to Implement Layered Design for Efficient and Scalable Applications.


Foremost, I really like serverless. It makes sense to always provide the required computing power. Having worked several years on enterprise applications using Spring Boot, I understand the benefits of strict separation of concerns. Therefore, this blog post is all about merging those principles with the idea of serverless functions.

Goals for the architecture

Before starting to implement any solution, I considered what I aim to achieve with the architecture:

  • Utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Ensuring Lambda functions have a small package size (AWS Lambda best practices)
  • Adopting a layered architecture to maintain separation of concerns
  • Possible local development

My proficiency with AWS stems from my AWS Certified Developer - Associate certification. Additionally, the template should be technology-agnostic. It should facilitate easy switching between database technologies (SQL vs. NoSQL). Moreover, the architecture should allow transitioning from serverless functions to containers or on-premises servers as needed.

@architecture package

I discovered the Architect framework through the Grunge Stack from the Remix framework. I was intrigued by the possibility of integrating it into future Remix projects and impressed by the ease of creating, testing locally, and deploying multiple Lambda functions. Consequently, I chose to utilize it for this example template. Given that the application is structured in multiple layers, transitioning to other frameworks like serverless is straightforward. For a preliminary understanding of the framework, the quickstart guide is a useful resource.

The architecture

The following sections contain how to build a layered architecture with separation of concerns in mind. You can access the source code here. In addition to the code described in this post, it includes all the remaining operations.

Folder Structure

But first, let’s talk about the folder structure.

$ tree src
├── http
│   ├── get-users-000id
│   │   └── index.ts
└── shared
  ├── common
  │   ├── error.test.ts
  │   └── error.ts
  ├── index.ts
  └── user
      ├── user-model.ts
      ├── user-repository.test.ts
      ├── user-repository.ts
      ├── user-service.test.ts
      └── user-service.ts

This project uses the defaults provided by the @architecture package. Lambda functions are located in the src/http folder. Shared code is found within src/shared. Adopting a package-by-feature approach results in the following structure. Global error handling is centralized in src/shared/common, while the distinct layers for the example feature are organized under src/shared/user.

The single layers

The core principle of a layered architecture is to divide the handling of a request across multiple layers rather than in a single function. A request typically traverses through the layers in this sequence: Controller -> Service -> Repository -> Database. Each layer interacts exclusively with its immediate successor, ensuring, for example, that a controller only interacts with the service layer, not directly with the repository layer.

  • The Database Layer. Typically managed by a third-party vendor such as Postgres, DynamoDB, or SQLite, the database layer is accessible through the repository layer for processing query requests.

  • The Repository Layer. This layer facilitates access to the database layer without exposing the specifics of the underlying database structure. Firstly, it enables optimization of individual database queries for enhanced performance, without the need to locate all references throughout the application. Secondly, it decouples business logic from the specific database architecture (SQL vs. NoSQL), allowing to change database servers if needed.

  • The Service Layer. This is where things become more complex. The service layer encompasses all necessary business logic, ranging from input validation and data manipulation to output sanitization. All these operations are executed here. The advantage of the layered architecture comes to shine, due to its independence of its environment. It doesn’t matter if it is run serverless or not, or the type of database used.

  • The Controller Layer. This final (or initial) layer enables external access to the service layer. I prefer my controllers to be simple. They shouldn’t have any complex logic, not even branching. Their main purposes are handling header values, query parameters, and parsing body parameters.

The database layer - DynamoDB

The process is quite straightforward. You only need to know the API of DynamoDB. A great starting point is the AWS SDK for DynamoDB. Below is a configuration for the Architect framework that sets up a DynamoDB table. This table stores users, utilizing an id as the partition key and including their associated name.

  id *String
  name String

The repository layer - TypeScript

Let’s start with the implementation. You can either use the SDK from Amazon, as mentioned in the previous layer, or the already implemented functions from the Architect framework. Below is an example implementation:

import { randomUUID } from "crypto";
import type { User } from "./user-model";
import { tables } from "@architect/functions";
import type { ArcTable } from "@architect/functions/types/tables";

async function tableOperations(): Promise<ArcTable<User>> {
  const { users } = await tables();

  return users;

export async function findUserEntryById(id: string): Promise<User | undefined> {
  const table = await tableOperations();

  return table.get({ id });

export async function findAllUserEntries(): Promise<User[]> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

export async function createUserEntry(user: Omit<User, "id">): Promise<User> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

export async function updateUserEntry(id: string, user: User): Promise<User> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

export async function deleteUserEntryById(id: string): Promise<string> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

The repository implements the general CRUD operations using the Architect framework. The tableOperations function exposes all possible operations on the user table created in the previous layer. It is utilized in all repository functions, for example, in the provided findUserEntryById using the get operation.

The service layer - TypeScript

The next layer contains all your business logic. As you can see, there are no imports from AWS, DynamoDB, or Lambda. This strict separation will save you time if you need to migrate to other deployment forms should your requirements change. Furthermore, writing tests is much easier, if they don’t contain vendor specific code.

import invariant from "tiny-invariant";
import { userSchema, type User, userCreationSchema } from "./user-model";
import {
} from "./user-repository";
import { EntityNotFoundError } from "../common/error";

export async function findUserById(id: string | undefined): Promise<User> {

  const user = await findUserEntryById(id);

  if (!user) {
    throw new EntityNotFoundError();

  return user;

export async function findAllUsers(): Promise<User[]> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

export async function createUser(user: Omit<User, "id">): Promise<User> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

export async function updateUser(
  id: string | undefined,
  user: User,
): Promise<User> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

export async function deleteUserById(id: string | undefined): Promise<string> {
  // Implementation can be found on GitHub

The findUserById function first calls the invariant function to prevent calling the repository with an invalid ID. If no user is found, the service function throws an EntityNotFoundError, enabling the return of a meaningful error message. If a user is found, it is returned.

The controller layer - Lambda

As stated above, the controller layer only receives the incoming request or event. Its main purpose is to call the appropriate service function, in this case, findUserById.

import type { LambdaEvent, LambdaHandler, User } from "@shared";
import { findUserById, withGlobalErrorHandler } from "@shared";

const lambdaHandler: LambdaHandler<User> = async (event: LambdaEvent) => {
  const { id } = event.pathParameters || {};

  return await findUserById(id);

export const handler = withGlobalErrorHandler(lambdaHandler);

Global error handling

I prefer not to repeat myself. Additionally, I favour global error handling, leading me to write the higher-order function withGlobalErrorHandler. It is used for all lambda handlers to have a consistent error appearance, throughout the application.

import type { LambdaHandler } from "../aws/lambda";

export class EntityNotFoundError extends Error {}

export const withGlobalErrorHandler = <T>(
  handler: LambdaHandler<T>,
): LambdaHandler<T> => {
  return async (...args: Parameters<LambdaHandler<T>>) => {
    try {
      return await handler(...args);
    } catch (error: unknown) {
      if (error instanceof EntityNotFoundError) {
        return {
          statusCode: 404,
          headers: { "content-type": "application/json" },
          body: JSON.stringify({
            message: "Entity not found",

      return {
        statusCode: 500,
        headers: { "content-type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify({
          message: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.",

The function takes any lambda handler function and wraps it in a try-catch block. This ensures that no strange database errors are propagated to your users. Additionally, it allows you to decide which status codes to send. The previously mentioned EntityNotFoundError, being a user error, results in sending a 404 status code. For other errors, such as a lost connection to your database, your users will consistently receive a 500 server error.


Even though, the idea behind this template was inspired by the general Spring Boot project structure. You should avoid using classes, which are very common in Java. Generally, they should be avoided for Lambda functions because they are bundled as a whole. This implies that even if your Lambda function only handles the deletion of users, it would still include the repository and service source code for all other operations. Hence, it is crucial to use only functions and export them separately as part of your ES modules to minimize the size of your lambda functions.


Utilizing the @architecture framework offers the advantage of easily deploying written lambda functions to AWS. You can deploy all your lambda functions, tables, and API gateways by running arc deploy.

$ arc deploy

> crud-lambda-dynamodb@0.0.0 deploy
> arc deploy

         App ⌁ crud-lambda-dynamodb
      Region ⌁ eu-central-1
     Profile ⌁ default
     Version ⌁ Architect 10.16.3
         cwd ⌁ /Users/lars/Projects/crud-lambda-dynamodb

Compiling TypeScript
Compiled project in 0.482s
⚬ Hydrate Hydrating app with shared files
✓ Hydrate Finished checks, nothing to hydrate
⚬ Deploy Creating new private deployment bucket: crud-lambda-dynamodb-cfn-deployments-f68d5
⚬ Deploy Initializing deployment
  | Stack ... CrudLambdaDynamodbStaging
  | Bucket .. crud-lambda-dynamodb-cfn-deployments-f68d5
⚬ Deploy Created deployment templates
✓ Deploy Generated CloudFormation deployment
⚬ Deploy @static folder (public/) not found, skipping static asset deployment
✓ Deploy Deployed & built infrastructure
✓ Success! Deployed app in 109.277 seconds

Now, you can test your newly created API. For instance, you can create a new user using httpie.

$ http POST name="My awesome name"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apigw-Requestid: QfnxFgAmliAEPvw=
Coonection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 75
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2023 10:02:33 GMT

    "id": "56c51af2-d276-413d-8fb6-0cc91b65fed3",
    "name": "My awesome name"

And afterwards, list all created users with:

$ http GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apigw-Requestid: QfoU3iMuFiAEJ-Q=
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 72
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2023 10:06:22 GMT

        "id": "56c51af2-d276-413d-8fb6-0cc91b65fed3",
        "name": "My awesome name"

Since you haven’t implemented any authentication, you should destroy your API to prevent potential future costs. This can be accomplished with the command arc destroy.

$ arc destroy --app crud-lambda-dynamodb --force

> crud-lambda-dynamodb@0.0.0 destroy
> arc destroy --app crud-lambda-dynamodb --force

         App ⌁ crud-lambda-dynamodb
      Region ⌁ eu-central-1
     Profile ⌁ default
     Version ⌁ Architect 10.16.3
         cwd ⌁ /Users/lars/Projects/crud-lambda-dynamodb

⚬ Destroy Destroying staging environment
⚬ Destroy Reminder: if you deployed to production, don't forget to run destroy again with: --production
⚬ Destroy Destroying CrudLambdaDynamodbStaging in 5 seconds...
⚬ Destroy Destroying CrudLambdaDynamodbStaging
⚬ Destroy Deleting static S3 bucket...
⚬ Destroy Retrieving deployment bucket...
⚬ Destroy Deleting deployment S3 bucket...
⚬ Destroy Deleting SSM parameters...
⚬ Destroy Deleting CloudWatch log groups...
✓ Destroy Successfully destroyed CrudLambdaDynamodbStaging


In conclusion, I appreciate the layered approach for writing larger applications. It simplifies extending the application with new features. Also, if a database query can be optimized, there’s no need to search through the entire project for similar queries used elsewhere. Indeed, this implementation results in more source code compared to directly implementing database access in the lambda functions. However, in my view, single functions can grow complex, and you become tied to all the technology decisions made for smaller feature sets. Potentially requiring now a complete rewrite of the application. Due to treeshaking and the use of functions only, each lambda function contains no unnecessary code.

Please feel free to provide any kind of feedback. I welcome improvements of any kind. If you notice a spelling mistake or an error in my writing, you can share your adjustments via email, or you can make the changes yourself in the associated content repository.

Copyright© 2021-2024 Lars Schieffer, All rights reserved.